
God's Deliverance Center

Dr. Margaret Lopez, Pastor

The pastor's touch.......

We Welcome You..

The God's Deliverance Center Church Family invites you to worship with us.  We are a church family that believes in letting God have his way. Come and enjoy Jesus with us! 

A Letter from the Pastor:

Dear Saints,

We are blessed to come this far by faith, leaning on the Lord and all of his promises. We have begun a new year, and a new journey, but we are equipped for what's ahead.  All I know is time is still moving and we must be ready to see him. I always count it an honor to worship with God and you. Thank you for all of your love and support.

Hold on saints, we are almost at the finish line. God has more to do with us yet. My prayers, love, and support are always holding you.  I love you all. 

Your Shepard and Pastor

Dr. M. Lopez